Crisis Response

Angel Staffing is prepared to organize and deploy skilled medical response teams immediately upon need.

Forest fire

Angel Ready

Angel Staffing plans for, and responds to, several disasters on an annual basis, reaching into our database of over 10,000 medical professionals nationwide gives us the ability to staff affected areas immediately upon impact.

Angel Strong

Angel Staffing has the experience and infrastructure to orchestrate large-scale staffing response teams to render aide during any type of disaster/crisis event.

Emergency responders

Angel Disaster Response


Angel Staffing played an instrumental role in providing full medical support for Covid-19 patients in the State of Texas. We provided specialized COVID response teams to support hospitals, nursing homes, health departments, military treatment facilities and EMS services.

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Rita

Hurricane Dolly

Hurricane Gustav

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Alex

Hurricane Harvey

Angel Haiti Response

Since the earthquake of 2010, Angel Staffing has provided & continues to provide medical support for hospitals, public health, orphanages and clinics in Haiti.

Rio Grande Flood

Bastrop Fires

Tuscaloosa, Alabama Tornado

Moore, Oklahoma Tornado

Public Health Responses





Medical Support Teams

Field Hospital

Crisis Evacuation

Medical Shelter

Medical Mobile Strike

Epidemiology Surge

Unaccompanied Minor

U.S. Border Patrol

Immigrations & Customs Enforcement

Wildlife Firefighters

Public Health Services

Juvenile Detention Center

County Jail

Texas Highway Patrol